Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Google Thinking Assignment

I do not really believe that the Internet is making a difference in the way we think. There was a section where the guy said that when he was reading on the Internet he was having to drag his brain back to what he was doing, but when reading a book he was focused.......well duh....your going to have more trouble reading something on a computer as opposed to a book because there are a ton of other headlines, banners, links, and advertisements around what you are reading on a books, its just words!!! I think people have become lazy because of the Internet. Instead of going to the library to look up information that they need, they are using the Internet and search engines, which in my opinion are just as good, and faster. I would much rather spend hours on the computer finding something I need, instead of hours in the library trying to find the same information. I do think that because of text messages and instant messengers that people are not practicing their grammar rules (punctuation, capitalization, etc) because the computer does most of that stuff for you. People are typing the same way they speak. I guess in some ways I agree with some things that were said, but for the most part, I think the Internet has just made life easier. Another thing......I think if I was interested in something and wanted to do research on it, but I had to go spend hours at a library, I probably wouldn't do it......but now we have the Internet at our fingertips so we are free to research anything from the comfort of home, so I would definitely be more likely to look it basically the whole point of that is that we have enough stuff to do without having to drive to the library and spend hours looking through books, so having the Internet might actually be making us smarter, because we know we can look up something we don't know in just a few minutes. Also, many people wont put forth the effort to do any extra work.....and to be honest...I'm one of them!! Thank goodness for the Internet! If it is making me be it! :)

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